PRIHSM - NIH Maternal Health Research Center of Excellence
Our goal is to build a community of trainees and a set of resources that enhance the pipeline and diversity of maternal health researchers and practitioners. We will work with trainees at varied stages of training and representing varied disciplines, with specific emphasis on recruiting trainees who qualify as under-represented minorities (URM) per NIH. Training and mentoring opportunities will also be available to community partners to ensure bi-directional learning and community.
Aim 1. Build content knowledge necessary to conducting maternal health research.
The team is focusing on content related to: a) the maternal health crisis in the U.S.; b) foundations of community-engaged, equity-focused maternal health research (including an understanding of social determinants of health); c) research design and methods; and d) logistics of the research process.
Aim 2. Enhance and evaluate mentored research experiences conducting rigorous, actionable, equity-focused maternal health research.
We are developing training plans and mentor teams tailored to the needs and interests of individual trainees. Trainees will work on specific PRIHSM Research Projects and also have opportunities to work with community partners and other ongoing projects related to maternal health.
Aim 3. Train clinicians in under-resourced settings on best practices for prevention, treatment, and management of PPH in collaboration with Stanford’s GO MOMs program.
GO MOMs provides simulation-based training to optimize team performance in obstetric emergencies.