NIH Maternal Health Research Center of Excellence
PRIHSM (PReventing Inequities in Hemorrhage-related Severe Maternal morbidity) is an NIH-funded Maternal Health Research Center of Excellence that aims to reduce postpartum hemorrhage in California and beyond.
Disproportionately affecting socially marginalized groups, postpartum hemorrhage is a leading cause of maternal death and severe maternal morbidity. PRIHSM aims to reduce postpartum hemorrhage by reducing and addressing disparities in two precursors to postpartum hemorrhage-related severe maternal morbidity and mortality: iron deficiency anemia and cesarean births.
The work of the center will involve community-university partnerships focused on improving maternal health equity and be driven by perspectives of patients, providers, and healthcare leadership. The PRIHSM center will provide training opportunities to build research and clinical expertise relevant to postpartum hemorrhage, especially among individuals who represent diverse perspectives and experiences within academic and community-based settings, and underserved areas.
Project 1: Antenatal Iron Deficiency Anemia
This project team, led by Deirdre Lyell, MD, is addressing antenatal iron deficiency anemia by developing, implementing, and disseminating a patient-informed Anemia Prevention Toolkit.
Project 2: Reducing Cesarean Births
This project team, led by Elliott Main, MD, is addressing disparities in rates of primary cesarean birth and cesarean-linked postpartum hemorrhage by refining and evaluating tools and approaches within the patient-informed CMQCC Hospital Action Guide for Respectful and Equity-Centered Obstetric Care and hospital learning initiative.
The community engagement component, led by Suzan Carmichael, PhD, MS, operates with the goal of ensuring that patients and key stakeholders are integrated into all phases of PRIHSM’s research to promote maternal health equity.
The training component, led by Suzan Carmichael, PhD, MS, is developing a diverse, multi-disciplinary team of trainees and mentors committed to improving maternal health, implementing specific activities tailored to meet the needs of trainees with a wide variety of experiences and interests, and leveraging existing programs within Stanford University.
Postpartum Hemorrhage Fact Sheet (scroll within for more)
Administrative and Research Team

PRIHSM (1U54HD113142-01) is part of NIH’s Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) initiative which is funding centers to develop and evaluate innovative approaches to reduce pregnancy-related complications and deaths and promote maternal health equity. Learn more about the Maternal Health Research Centers of Excellence established by NICHD under the IMPROVE initiative.